Pine Ridge - Season 2, Episode 2

These past weeks have been a great time of spiritual consolidation. Nothing fancy, but we are seeing some real progress in a number of areas.

More Baptisms

Jordan has been coming to services for two months or so, but more recently came under such conviction she walked five miles to get to Restoration Church at 4:00 in the morning. We happened to have a team here from Virginia which meant I was able to talk and pray with her. A couple weeks later, she announced her desire to be baptized.

In addition to Jordan, it was a joy to see Jackson’s son Oscar baptized as well as Nellie, another Lakota woman who has been coming to Restoration for some time. Thank you for lifting a prayer for these three in Jesus Name that they might grow and walk with Jesus.

Team From Virginia

We were blessed to have fourteen individuals come from Virginia to help us. They had an amazing work ethic, and absolutely transformed the Kyle building we are using for services. Total transformation. Here’s a video to give you a sense of what happened, along with some other shots from the month…



Mike Gadd and the team did an amazing job. I believe we now have the best looking building / community center on the Pine Ridge reservation. The Lakota who came in kept saying, “Wow, this is amazing…”

Wiping the Tears

We had a Wiping of the Tears ceremony for the first service, and it was amazing to see who was in the audience — the chairman of the board for Medicine Root District… Mona! Word is getting out that we care, and with new visitors come new breakthroughs.

Substitute Teaching

I’ve gone in twice now to Little Wound High School to sub. It has been an incredible opportunity to meet the community — from the superintendent of the school, to the principal and teachers, to the students themselves.

At the same time, it has been hard to watch how little many of the students try. The hopelessness and challenges are evident at every turn.

Thank you for praying. I didn’t know if I’d be asked back after my second assignment, but I have been. One of the issues was the curriculum. In class, I began to challenge students over matters such as evolution (one of the things they were studying). I spoke about God as our Creator and pointed them to a video that articulates the Gospel. I’m praying I can love these kids well, and that God will grant me favor to speak into their lives and point them to Jesus.

It’s kind of remarkable that when the high school calls me to come in to sub, the administrator calls me “Pastor Wade.” So they know what I’m all about and invite to me to sub anyway.

When you have time, check out this short video about Billy Mills, a Lakota Sioux from Pine Ridge who became the first American to win the Olympic 10,000 meter race — one of the biggest upsets in sports history.



Credit: Wade Kate


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