Pine Ridge - Season 1, Episode 9

A few days ago my colleague Dave and I witnessed a Lakota man come under conviction when he saw his sin in light of God's holy standard. He then prayed publicly to give his life to Jesus. Please pray for Ron. His girlfriend, who is also Lakota, is close to the Kingdom, and they want to get married now. God is answering prayer!

Jail Ministry

I was blessed to see how the guys we have been ministering to in the tribal jail are progressing in the Word. Four of them are actually doing their own Bible study! This is huge! One of the men, whose Indian name is Ricky Jealous of Him, came up to me and expressed he was now standing with Jesus. He went on to say he was reading the Word and now wants to lead his family in walking the narrow path with Jesus. He is from Wounded Knee, a traditional stronghold where it is difficult place to take such a stand. I prayed over him and the power of God went right through his body. He said he is really looking forward to getting out so he can be baptized — a strong indication he is counting the cost!

The Church in Kyle

This last Sunday we had over 40 people! This, despite the fact we were missing some of our regulars. It was wonderful to see new faces. We had scheduled tonight to meet with the district leadership about securing the building, but the gathering was postponed. (I sense this delay is spiritual in nature.) We had mobilized many more people to speak on our behalf, and it appears the president is just not wanting to hear them at this point.

I was so blessed by Robin Tapio the supportive council member. She came to our service with 100 fliers to pass out in Kyle! She is definitely a mover and shaker. Please say a prayer for her as she is constantly attacked for her stand for Jesus.

Gathering in Oglala

We ask for prayer as we prepare to host 80 to 100 men this coming September 18-20 in the traditionalist community of Oglala. In what is surely an unprecedented event on Pine Ridge, these men are coming from fifteen or so states to cry out for God’s glory to be revealed in their lives, and on the reservation. Every time these men have come together in the past, something explosive has happened. Please agree with us that Lakota men will come, and that this will forever change Oglala. We will be fasting during the lead up to this event, asking God to increase spiritual appetites that only He can satisfy. We will also be going door to door.

Report from Alaska

A few weeks ago some of us had an opportunity to minister among Native peoples in Alaska. They were greatly encouraged as four individuals were healed instantly in one service. The second night God seemed to focus on healing hearts, and there was weeping as people were released from unforgiveness and demonic oppression. It was beautiful to see.

Because of this trip several Alaskan leaders are looking to come and minister on Pine Ridge. All these Native groups are interconnected. They know of Pine Ridge and one will affect the other as God pours out His Spirit and brings His revival.

Here is a short video of some songs from our time in Alaska:



Ebb and Flow

We are encouraged by one church plant in Pine Ridge, and now a second in Kyle is growing. But we need your prayers more than ever! Because with the good news, there is also heartache and pain. Although we have seen a significant decrease in suicides on Pine Ridge since the epidemic earlier in the year, in the last five days two more teenagers took their lives. May His Kingdom come!


Credit: Wade Kate


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