Pine Ridge - Season 1, Episode 4

Thank you for your prayers for us here. We join in prayer with you as well for this nation, and for God’s people to be His agents of change for truly only the Gospel can change people’s hearts, the true Gospel. As Scripture declares, God knows who are His, and let those who name His Name depart from iniquity (2 Tim. 2:19). How applicable this is to us today.

Praising God as a brother Jeromy and I just saw God heal a woman instantaneous two days ago of all pain and sickness, and saw two young girls get set free, one from years of pain after being sexually abused. Jesus is a healer.


Update on Ricky

The warfare has been incredibly intense as of late. We can see it connected to what we see God is doing. Hearts are opening more at the jail and on the streets. Please continue to pray for Ricky. God is using him. Just today when I was visiting him, he told me his neighbors, who have been bound in alcohol and huffing (actually made Rapid City journal news because of them doing it with their kids) saw Ricky and I standing outside one day. Later the woman came to Ricky and asked him about me through the shirt I was wearing (Brother Gary’s shirt on the back it says “To God be the glory”) it opened the door for them to talk, and for her to ask if it was true that Ricky was free of drugs. This led her to want to read the Bible, and for the first time in years and years, her to go to church service yesterday.

While I was with Ricky, two other young men, used to the gang life, came up. One of them has started reading the Bible because of Ricky encouraging him to do so. It’s real what is happening, a church without walls like it’s supposed to be. Please continue to pray for Ricky. I’ll be having a time in the Word with him tonight, and tomorrow we’ll head out to go fishing with him and his kids. Word is traveling in Pine Ridge of his changing life and it’s having a domino effect. Pray that he will grow and be protected from the evil one.


Meeting With President Steele

I spent some time with Robin one of the councilmembers for the tribe. She wants me to meet with the tribal president John Yellow Bird Steele. Over two years ago I had a vision in which I was kneeling before the president and tribal counsel asking for forgiveness for what the white man did and what the “church” did in the name of Jesus. I don’t know what the response will be, but I have to be obedient. That meeting might be this week or some time in the near future if God wills it, Robin is trying to set it up. Please pray for that, and that it would bring His glory and presence upon President Steele.


Credit: Wade Kate


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