Our Story, Our Mission

Transforming revival is a God-man partnership. God alone can light the fire of transforming revival, but He only does so in those places and among those people who have prepared their hearts and cried out to Him.

I don’t believe you need convincing that man’s efforts, for all our cleverness and good intentions, can change hearts, reverse moral decline, transform communities, and save a nation. Only the power of God manifest in transforming revival can accomplish so great a task

The Sentinel Group is a Christian research, media, and training agency dedicated to helping revival-hungry communities discover the pathway to societal transformation.

Our emails, social-media posts, blogs, and products all serve that end. We want you to know where God is at work in transforming power, and we want to encourage you to keep pursuing that Divinely-imparted burden you carry to see God move in your community.

In 1999, when Sentinel Group released our first Transformations documentary, we had no idea of the firestorm of responses we would receive. From all over this nation, we heard the same message: “The documentary was amazing. Can you help us see this happen in our community?” We can.

After years of research, we have uncovered the basic principles embedded in every one of these stories, as well as all the revival stories that have lined history with God’s glory.

To you, who have longed to see God transform your community, we offer hope.