Lessons Learned from the Revival Tour, Part 3

Although this was a “heritage” tour, we stopped at a place that has, for the past 15 years, experienced an unusual sense of God’s presence and anointing upon their land. The many miracles and transformed lives have produced waves of testimonies over the years.

While there, the director, Roy Godwin, shared his story with us. A profound peace and nearness of the Lord descended as he spoke. We walked the grounds and soaked in the wonderful sense of the presence of God. My wife, Carol, has a wonderful testimony of how God met her very personally.

Shortly after, we visited a quasi mall/market in nearby Swansea. I came upon a little Christian bookstore and found a paperback entitled, The Revival We Need, by J. Oswald Smith. It only cost one pound, so I bought it. The book could have been written for the Journey to Transformation. Smith’s testimony and journal entries profoundly touched my heart. I have since reread it, and, as I write, I am impressed to read it again.

“Oh, my brethren, the trouble is not with God. It lies right here with ourselves. He is willing, more than willing. But we are not ready. And He is waiting for us. Are we going to keep Him waiting long?”

  • Oswald Smith

After returning to the states, Carol was reading Roy Godwin’s book, The Way of Blessing. I heard her say out loud, “Oh my word!” She then read me the story of how Roy Godwin’s life was changed. The Ffald y Brenin story began when he walked into a little bookstore in Wales and purchased a paperback entitled, The Revival We Need. By the description, it may have been the same bookstore. You can purchase it on Amazon, or you can google it to find sites that provide a free PDF download of this book.

Be the answer to your own prayer for revival.

The take away for Ffald y Brenin and Smith’s book is simply this: Be the answer to your own prayer for revival.

There is much praying for revival as if we are pleading for a rare bird to make its nest on our city.

But as I stated in my last article, God attaches Himself to people, not theology.